Fascinating @ the AXIS International Java Jazz Festival 2011

Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

Lucky me to come to Java Jazz Festival 2011 in a Friday evening. I saw many great performances from musicians that I've been waiting for so long. One of them are Sondre Lerche.

You know this guy was sooo definitely fascinating @ the AXIS International Java Jazz Festival 2011. All audiences knew his songs and sang together like made a choir in the room.He's also very talkative with his fans. One thing I love the most was his guitar's play. Amazing. He played solo guitar with an energetic power and voice in almost 1,5 hours with almost 15 songs and only about 1 minute rest! FANTASTIC!

and also Corinne Bailey Rae...this British musicians succeed to satisfy her fans with all her fabulous songs especially 'Like a Star and 'Put Your Records on', eventhough some fans dissapointed coz she didn't perform 'Trouble Sleeping' song. Aaaahh I'm waiting for the song was singing....

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